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Commercial Awareness Program

Improve your commercial awareness and decision-making in our dynamic online program.

Growing complexity, increasing velocity of change, unpredictable market volatility. The need for commercial judgment has never been greater, but it is threatened by the pressure for speed and demands for frictionless commerce.

What’s the answer? Today, more than ever, businesses need to raise the level of commercial awareness within their organization. They need people who can recognize risk, who understand when they need to turn to experts, who move from an environment of ‘don’t know they don’t know’ to one where they ‘know they don’t know’.

Time is precious. Everyone is busy. Commercial awareness training must be practical, incisive, and easy to digest. That’s why we have responded to the requests by our members to develop a dynamic, interactive, on-demand program designed for the non-commercial practitioner.


At the end of Commercial Awareness Program, you will have the knowledge needed to contribute to better business outcomes by:

Understanding the factors in exercising informed commercial judgment

Becoming familiar with the contracting lifecycle and the elements essential to each of its phases

Becoming familiar with the key things to consider at the time of market engagement

Becoming familiar with the top ten pitfalls in contracting that commonly undermine contract performance, costing money and damaging relationships

Recognizing how relationships and communication impact the contracting lifecycle

Understanding, identifying and allocating risk effectively

Understanding the differences between transactions and relationships and the impact on the terms required

Knowing what to expect of contracting professionals and how to identify when you would benefit from additional expertise

Who is this program suited to?

This program is primarily directed to those who are not in the commercial or contracting function but need to develop an understanding of the overall contracting process to help drive successful trading relationships for their organization. 

Examples include employees in product management, delivery, order processing, finance, relationship management, sales, and other related departments within an organization. 

This program can also be a primer to those new to contract and commercial management and intend to pursue a career or supporting role in the profession.

How is the program delivered?

The program is online and self-paced, comprising of a combination of short videos, knowledge checks, case studies, and online discussions. The interactive components and social learning elements allow individuals to meaningfully participate and personalize the program to their role, level, department and industry.

What is the time commitment for the program?

The program is intended to take between two–three hours to complete. You will have six months to complete the program.

What do participants earn?

Participants earn a Certificate of Completion and 4 points toward World Commerce & Contracting Continuing Professional Development.

Pricing and registration


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