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Modern Procurement programs

Bridge Program (8 hours)

CCM or SRM certified?

Learners who hold a current WorldCC CCM or SRM certification can bypass the full Operational Capability program and achieve Associate level Modern Procurement certification with the 8 hour Bridge program. Learners join Operational Capability candidates for the 2 x 4 hour virtual workshop sessions to bridge their understanding and earn an Associate certification.

Certified with another organization or hold a relevant degree?

WorldCC can recognize certifications and / or degrees from other organizations and Universities toward the requirements for the WorldCC Modern Procurement Associate level. Typically, learners are required to supplement their degree and / or certification with WorldCC’s Bridge program. Contact to see if you qualify and explore your options.

2+ years procurement experience?

Candidates with 2+ years procurement experience may also be eligible to achieve Associate level certification through the Bridge Program. Contact to see if you qualify and explore your options.

Upon successful completion, candidates earn 8 Modern Procurement hours and an Associate level certification. 

The programs are each delivered in 2 x 4 hour instructor led training sessions, delivered virtually. Sessions are designed to be highly interactive, with the objective to augment understanding, as well as impact behaviors.

As members, candidates also have access to the WorldCC Content Hub for research and on-the-job guidance.

  • Negotiation
  • Change management
  • Contract design
  • Technology (including payments)
Participants earn 8 Continuing Professional Development points.

Candidates only need to enroll in one class. Candidates cannot mix attendance in sessions across different classes.

Class 1
Jan 23 Session 1
Jan 25 Session 2

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This program is part of our Modern Procurement Programs and Certifications, a training for procurement professionals to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving supply ecosystem.

CCM or SRM certified? Enroll today!

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Bridge Program
(8 hours)
US$ per person